CA Gov't Code Section 110010

Negotiations between the Statewide Authority and recognized employee organizations shall be conducted only in the following manner:


As of July 1, 2012, all recognized employee organizations affiliated with the same national parent union shall negotiate as a coalition on behalf of all bargaining units they represent. If recognized employee organizations are affiliated with two or more different national parent unions, those recognized employee organizations shall also negotiate as a coalition on behalf of all bargaining units they represent.


An employee organization obtaining recognition after July 1, 2012, which is affiliated with the same national parent union or unions as the coalitions described in subdivision (a), shall become a part of the coalition affiliated with its same national parent union or unions.


An employee organization not affiliated with a national parent union covered by subdivision (a), that obtains recognition after July 1, 2012, and represents fewer than 100,000 employees subject to this title, shall negotiate as a member of a coalition, separate from the coalitions described in subdivision (a) and comprised of all those recognized employee organizations on behalf of all units they collectively represent. If that employee organization represents 100,000 or more employees subject to this title, it shall have the right to negotiate as its own coalition on behalf of all bargaining units it represents.


Each coalition negotiating with the Statewide Authority may enter into supplemental bargaining of unit-specific issues for inclusion in, or as an addendum to, collective bargaining agreements, subject to the parties’ agreement regarding the issues and procedures for supplemental bargaining. This section does not prohibit coordination of bargaining between two or more bargaining coalitions.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 110010’s source at