CA Food & Agric Code Section 12981

The director shall adopt regulations to carry out the provisions of this article. Such regulations shall include, but are not limited to, all of the following subjects:


Restricting worker reentry into areas treated with pesticides determined by the director to be hazardous to worker safety by using either or both of the following:


Time limits.


Pesticide residue levels on treated plant parts determined by scientific analysis to not be a significant factor in cholinesterase depression or other health effects. When the director has adopted regulations pursuant to both paragraphs (1) and (2), the person in control of the area treated with the pesticide shall have the option of following regulations adopted pursuant to either paragraph (1) or (2). If the person in control of the area treated with the pesticide chooses to follow regulations adopted pursuant to paragraph (2), the director may establish and charge the person a fee necessary to cover any costs of analysis or costs incurred by the director or commissioner in carrying out regulations adopted pursuant to paragraph (2). The regulations shall include a procedure for the collection of the fee, and the fee shall not exceed actual cost.


Handling of pesticides.


Hand washing facilities.


Farm storage and commercial warehousing of pesticides.


Protective devices, including, but not limited to, respirators and eyeglasses.


Posting, in English and Spanish, of fields, areas, adjacent areas or fields, or storage areas. The State Department of Health Services shall participate in the development of any regulations adopted pursuant to this article. Such regulations that relate to health effects shall be based upon the recommendations of the State Department of Health Services. The original written recommendations of the State Department of Health Services, any subsequent revisions of those recommendations, and the supporting evidence and data upon which the recommendations were based shall be made available upon request to any person.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 12981’s source at