CA Fish & Game Code Section 13005


Notwithstanding Section 13001, the fees collected from lifetime sportsman’s licenses and privileges issued pursuant to Section 714, lifetime hunting licenses and privileges issued pursuant to Section 3031.2, and lifetime sport fishing licenses and privileges issued pursuant to Section 7149.2 shall be deposited as follows:


Twenty dollars ($20) from the initial issuance of each lifetime license shall be deposited in the Fish and Game Preservation Fund for use in accordance with Section 711.


The balance of the fees collected shall be deposited in the Lifetime License Trust Account which is hereby created in the Fish and Game Preservation Fund. Except as provided in this section, that principal amount of the money in the account from the fee for a lifetime license shall not be used, except for investment.


The money in the Lifetime License Trust Account may be transferred and invested through the Surplus Money Investment Fund and all interest shall accrue to the account pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 16475 of the Government Code.


Upon issuance of a lifetime license or lifetime privilege issued pursuant to Section 714, 3031.2, or 7149.2, the department shall transfer the following amounts from the Lifetime License Trust Account to the Fish and Game Preservation Fund:


Twenty-nine dollars and twenty-five cents ($29.25) for an annual resident hunting license or an annual resident sport fishing license.


Seven dollars and twenty-five cents ($7.25) for a junior hunting license.


Nine dollars and twenty-five cents ($9.25) for one second-rod stamp or validation issued pursuant to Section 7149.45.


Two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for one sport fishing ocean enhancement stamp or validation issued pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 6596.1.


Three dollars and seventy-five cents ($3.75) for one steelhead trout catch report-restoration card issued pursuant to Section 7380.


One dollar ($1) for one salmon punchcard issued pursuant to regulations adopted by the commission.


Nineteen dollars and twenty-five cents ($19.25) for a deer tag application issued pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 4332.


Eight dollars and seventy-five cents ($8.75) for five wild pig tags issued pursuant to Section 4654.


Ten dollars ($10) for one state duck stamp or validation issued pursuant to Section 3700.1.


Six dollars and twenty-five cents ($6.25) for one upland game bird stamp or validation issued pursuant to Section 3682.1.

Source: Section 13005, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 13005’s source at