CA Elec Code Section 6786

The nomination paper for a candidate for the presidential preference portion of the ballot shall be in substantially the following form: SECTION OF NOMINATION PAPER SIGNED BY VOTER ON BEHALF OF PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY CANDIDATE Section ______Page ______ County of _________. Nomination paper of a presidential preference candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party presidential primary ballot. State of California County of ⎱ ⎰ ss. SIGNER’S STATEMENT I, the undersigned, am a voter of the County of ______, State of California, and am registered as affiliated with the Peace and Freedom Party. I hereby nominate ________ for the presidential preference portion of the Peace and Freedom Party’s presidential primary ballot, to be voted for at the presidential primary to be held on the ______ day of June, 20__. I have not signed the nomination paper of any other candidate for the same office, or for any group of delegates to the national convention of the ______ Party, with which the Peace and Freedom Party of California is affiliated on the national level. Number Signature Printedname Residencestreet address/city 1. 2. 3. etc. CIRCULATOR’S AFFIDAVIT I, ______, affirm all of the following: 1.That I am 18 years of age or older. 2.That my residence address, including street and number, is.[If no street or number exists, a designation of my residence adequate to readily ascertain its location is.] 3.That I secured signatures in the County of ____ to the nomination paper of a candidate in the presidential preference primary of the Peace and Freedom Party, that all the signatures on this section of the nomination paper numbered from 1 to ____, inclusive, were made in my presence, that the signatures were obtained between ____, 20_, and ____, 20_, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief each signature is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.Executed at ____, California, this ____ day of ____, 20_. (Signed) Circulator (Printed name)
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 6786’s source at ca​.gov