CA Educ Code Section 92531

The regents may provide in an indenture that the proceeds from the sale of all revenue bonds authorized pursuant to this chapter shall be paid directly to any bank or trust company designated by the regents as the fiscal agent or depositary of the regents, to be held in a separate account to be designated the “construction fund” and to be disbursed in the manner and upon the conditions provided in the indenture for any of the following:


The acquisition, construction, and completion of the project, including the payment of the cost of all surveys, preparation of plans and specifications, and the payment of all architectural, engineering, legal, and administrative costs.


The payment of all costs and expenses of, and incident to, the issuance and sale of bonds.


The payment of interest due, or to become due, on the bonds during the period of actual construction, and for such further period as may be specified in the indenture for the issuance of the bonds not exceeding two years after the period of construction.

Source: Section 92531, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 92531’s source at