CA Educ Code Section 81961

The proceeds from the sale of all bonds authorized under the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited forthwith by the county treasurer, on order of the county auditor, in the county treasury to the credit of a construction fund as designated by the California Community Colleges Budget and Accounting Manual in each county treasury for each district in the county issuing bonds pursuant to this chapter. The money in such construction fund shall be expended, pursuant to claims filed by the board with the county auditor, for the purposes authorized by this chapter, or as provided in the indenture, and for such other purposes, subject to the restrictions provided by law or by the indenture, as may be authorized by resolution of the board. Moneys required to meet the costs of acquisition or construction and all expenses and costs incidental to the acquisition, construction, furnishing, and equipping of any project authorized by this chapter shall be paid from the construction fund as herein provided upon claim filed by the board and after audit by the county auditor in the manner provided by law and upon warrants drawn by the county auditor.

Source: Section 81961, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 81961’s source at