CA Educ Code Section 47613

Mentioned in

Charter School FAQ Section 3

California Department of Education, April 25, 2023

“Frequently asked questions regarding the governance, oversight, and liability of a charter school.”
Bibliographic info


Except as set forth in subdivision (b), a chartering authority may charge for the actual costs of supervisorial oversight of a charter school not to exceed 1 percent of the revenue of the charter school.


A chartering authority may charge for the actual costs of supervisorial oversight of a charter school not to exceed 3 percent of the revenue of the charter school if the charter school is able to obtain substantially rent free facilities from the chartering authority.


A local educational agency that is given the responsibility for supervisorial oversight of a charter school, pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (k) of Section 47605, may charge for the actual costs of supervisorial oversight, and administrative costs necessary to secure charter school funding. A charter school that is charged for costs under this subdivision may not be charged pursuant to subdivision (a) or (b).


This section does not prevent the charter school from separately purchasing administrative or other services from the chartering authority or any other source.


For purposes of this section, “chartering authority” means a school district, county board of education, or the state board, that granted the charter to the charter school.


For purposes of this section, “revenue of the charter school” means the amount received in the current fiscal year from the local control funding formula calculated pursuant to Section 42238.02, as implemented by Section 42238.03.


For purposes of this section, “costs of supervisorial oversight” include, but are not limited to, costs incurred pursuant to Section 47607.3.

Source: Section 47613, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 47613’s source at