CA Educ Code Section 42830

The governing board of any elementary school district or high school district, may, if the school district maintains a stock of merchandise for school use, establish a revolving fund for budget control and stock accounting purposes, by adopting a resolution setting forth the necessity for the revolving fund, the purpose for which it shall be used and the amount thereof. Three certified copies of the resolutions shall be submitted to the county superintendent of schools, who, if he approves the establishment of the fund, shall endorse his consent upon the resolution, return one copy to the governing board of the school district and transmit one copy to the county auditor. The governing boards of two or more school districts of any type may, if the school districts maintain a stock of merchandise for school use, establish a common revolving fund for budget control and stock accounting purposes, by adopting a resolution of each district setting forth the necessity for the revolving fund, the purpose for which it shall be used and the amount thereof. Three certified copies of the resolutions shall be submitted to the county superintendent of schools, who, if he approves the establishment of the fund, shall endorse his consent upon the resolution, return one copy to the governing board of the school districts and transmit one copy to the county auditor.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 42830’s source at ca​.gov