CA Educ Code Section 42640

In lieu of drawing his warrant as provided in Section 42639, the county auditor may, with the approval of the governing board of the school district, endorse, date, and number the order and requisition and may prepare a separate warrant on the county treasurer for the same amount as the order and requisition. The warrant shall show that it had been drawn on the order of a school district naming the school district and shall show, the payee, date of issue, as well as other information deemed appropriate by the auditor. The auditor shall draw such separate warrant by signing it and no other signature shall be required. Thereupon the auditor shall transmit the separate warrant to the county superintendent of schools who shall transmit it to the governing board of the school district for issuance to the payee or to his order, or with the approval of the governing board of the school district, shall transmit it to the payee. The order and requisition may direct the transfer of the amount of the separate warrant from the funds of the district to a clearing fund in the county treasury (to be known as the schools commercial revolving fund), to the end that separate warrants for all districts may be drawn against a single revolving fund.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 42640’s source at ca​.gov