CA Educ Code Section 41325


The Legislature finds and declares that when a school district becomes insolvent and requires an emergency apportionment from the state in the amount designated in this article, it is necessary that the Superintendent assume control of the district in order to ensure the district’s return to fiscal solvency.


It is the intent of the Legislature that the Superintendent, operating through an appointed administrator, do all of the following:


Implement substantial changes in the school district’s fiscal policies and practices, including, if necessary, the filing of a petition under Chapter 9 of the federal Bankruptcy Code for the adjustment of indebtedness.


Revise the school district’s educational program to reflect realistic income projections, in response to the dramatic effect of the changes in fiscal policies and practices upon educational program quality and the potential for the success of all pupils.


Encourage all members of the school community to accept a fair share of the burden of the school district’s fiscal recovery.


Consult, for the purposes described in this subdivision, with the school district governing board, the exclusive representatives of the employees of the school district, parents, and the community.


Consult with and seek recommendations from the county superintendent of schools for the purposes described in this subdivision.


For purposes of this article, the Superintendent may also appoint a trustee with the powers and responsibilities of an administrator, as set forth in this article.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 41325’s source at ca​.gov