CA Educ Code Section 35172

The governing board of any school district may:


Conduct studies through research and investigation as are determined by it to be required in connection with the present and future management, conditions, needs, and financial support of the schools; or join with other school district governing boards in the conduct of such studies.


Install and maintain exhibits of educational programs and activities of the school district at any county fair held in the county in which the district is located in whole or in part, or at any agricultural district fair held in the county in which the school district is located in whole or in part.


Inform and make known to the citizens of the district, the educational programs and activities of the schools therein.


Subscribe for membership for any school under its jurisdiction in any society, association, or organization which has for its purpose the promotion and advancement of public or private education.


Subscribe for membership in, or otherwise become a member of, any national, state or local organization of governing boards of school districts or members thereof which has for its purposes the promotion and advancement of public education through research and investigation, and the cooperation with persons and associations whose interests and purposes are the betterment of the educational opportunities of the children of the state.


Select a member or members of the board to attend meetings of any society, association, or organization for which the school district has subscribed for membership, or any convention to which it may pay the expenses of any employee.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 35172’s source at ca​.gov