CA Educ Code Section 33541


The State Board of Education and the department shall revise, as necessary, the framework in science to include the necessary elements to teach environmental education, including, but not limited to, all of the following topics:


Integrated waste management.


Energy conservation.


Water conservation and pollution prevention.


Air resources.


Integrated pest management.


Toxic materials.


Wildlife conservation and forestry.


The Office of Education and the Environment of the California Integrated Waste Management Board, established pursuant to Part 4 (commencing with Section 71300) of Division 34 of the Public Resources Code, shall provide the State Board of Education and the department with available environmental information and materials to aid in implementing subdivision (a).


Any recommended revisions in reference to the course requirements in science shall not be implemented until the commencement of the appropriate curriculum framework adoption cycle subsequent to the revision.

Source: Section 33541, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 33541’s source at