CA Educ Code Section 24221


A member who retires for service prior to January 1, 2011, may elect, on a form prescribed by the system, to receive a lump-sum payment and an actuarially reduced monthly allowance pursuant to this section in lieu of the monthly unmodified allowance that would otherwise be payable to the member pursuant to this chapter. The election under this section shall be made at the time the member files his or her application for service retirement allowance as provided in Section 24204.


A member who makes the election described in subdivision (a) shall receive a one-time, lump-sum payment in an amount that equals or does not exceed the lesser of the following amounts:


The actuarial present value of the amount by which (A) the monthly unmodified allowance payable to the member pursuant to this chapter exceeds (B) an amount equal to 2 percent of the member’s final compensation multiplied by the number of years of credited service and divided by 12.


Fifteen percent of the actuarial present value of the monthly unmodified allowance payable to the member under this chapter.


Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, a member who makes the election described in subdivision (a) shall receive a monthly unmodified allowance, pursuant to this chapter, that shall be actuarially reduced to reflect the lump-sum amount paid under subdivision (b). The actuarial reduced unmodified allowance may be modified pursuant to Section 24300 or 24300.1.


A member may not apply a lump-sum payment made pursuant to this section for the purposes of redepositing previously refunded retirement contributions pursuant to Chapter 19 (commencing with Section 23200) or purchasing service credit pursuant to Chapter 14 (commencing with Section 22800), Chapter 14.2 (commencing with Section 22820) or Chapter 14.5 (commencing with Section 22850). The Legislature hereby finds and declares that if a member who elects to receive a partial lump-sum payment also elects to redeposit previously refunded retirement contributions or purchase service credit as a result of the receipt of the lump-sum payment, the Defined Benefit Program may experience a net actuarial impact.


An election pursuant to subdivision (a) may have no net actuarial impact to the Defined Benefit Program. The board shall adopt present value factors to establish a corresponding actuarially reduced monthly allowance, that results in no net actuarial impact to the Defined Benefit Program. The Legislature reserves the right to modify the provisions of this section to further the objective of permitting eligible members to receive a lump-sum distribution of a portion of their benefits, with a corresponding actuarial reduction in their monthly allowance, so that there is no net actuarial impact to the Defined Benefit Program.


This section shall not apply to a member who retires for service pursuant to Section 24201.5.

Source: Section 24221, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 24221’s source at