CA Educ Code Section 22400


There is in the State Treasury a special trust fund to be known as the Teachers’ Retirement Fund. There shall be deposited in that fund the assets of the plan and its predecessors, consisting of employee contributions, employer contributions, state contributions, appropriations made to it by the Legislature, income on investments, other interest income, income from fees and penalties, donations, legacies, bequests made to it and accepted by the board, and any other amounts provided by this part and Part 14. General Fund transfers pursuant to Section 22954 shall be placed in a segregated account known as the Supplemental Benefit Maintenance Account within the retirement fund, which is continuously appropriated without regard to fiscal years, notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, for expenditure for the purposes of Section 24415.


Disbursement of money from the retirement fund of whatever nature shall be made upon claims duly audited in the manner prescribed for the disbursement of other public funds except that notwithstanding the foregoing disbursements may be made to return funds deposited in the fund in error.

Source: Section 22400, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 22400’s source at