CA Educ Code Section 17061


A school district may apply to the State Allocation Board for funding for the costs of property acquisition and the cost of construction, as specified in this chapter, of the school facilities portion of a joint venture project. The school district shall publicly solicit proposals for the joint venture project pursuant to the procedures set forth in this section and Sections 17062, 17521, 17522, and 17523.


Upon review of the application for funding, the State Allocation Board shall establish the maximum allowances for construction of the school facilities portion of the joint venture project. For the purpose of calculating allowances pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 17040), the State Allocation Board shall use the information used to determine the allowances for the school district at the time the district received approval of funds under this chapter to acquire property on which the school facilities will be constructed, or at the time an application is made pursuant to subdivision (a), whichever is earlier.


The State Allocation Board may approve, in whole or in part, an application submitted by a school district pursuant to this section in an amount the State Allocation Board may deem appropriate, not to exceed the amount applied for, subject to final approval of the joint venture agreement pursuant to Section 17063.


For purposes of this section, and the process referred to in subdivision (a), a school district joint venture request for proposals shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, all of the following:


A specific description of the school buildings or land, or both, to be constructed or utilized under the joint venture and a description of how the costs of the project have been determined.


The identification of the current educational uses of the school buildings or land, or both, and of the educational uses proposed under the joint venture.


The identification of the current noneducational uses of the proposed school buildings or land, or both, and of the noneducational uses proposed under the joint venture, and a specific assessment of the compatibility of those uses with any applicable general or specific governmental land use plan and with applicable zoning restrictions.


A description of the prospective economic benefits to be derived by the school district from the joint venture.


A description of the prospective educational benefits to be derived by the school district from the joint venture.


A request that each request for proposal response include a comprehensive description of the joint venture, including, but not limited to, a description of the intended means of financing the joint venture.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 17061’s source at ca​.gov