CA Educ Code Section 17032.3


Any school district for which one or more projects has been funded under this chapter may, pursuant to written agreement with any other public or private person or entity, utilize any school buildings, land, or other real property interest that the governing board determines is not needed for school purposes, and will not be needed for school purposes within the next 30 years, in a joint venture with that person or entity to generate revenues for school facilities purposes, pursuant to the following conditions:


The district has developed a school district asset utilization plan, setting forth the information required under subdivision (b), which plan has been the subject of a public hearing, and the governing board of the district has made the finding that the implementation of the plan will benefit the district.


Prior to the execution by the school district governing board of any agreement regarding the utilization of the school buildings or land, or both, under a joint venture pursuant to this section, the school district asset utilization plan has been submitted for, and has received, the review and approval of the State Allocation Board. No later than 90 days after the receipt of the plan, the board shall determine whether to approve the plan, which approval shall be granted if the board finds the plan to comply with this section.


Once every three years after the approval of any plan pursuant to paragraph (2), the school district shall update the plan with information regarding the disposition of the revenues received by the district from the utilization of the school buildings or land, or both, under the joint venture, including the effect of those revenues upon the school facility needs for which the district may otherwise be eligible under this chapter or under any other school facilities program administered by the board, together with such other information as the board may require, and shall resubmit the plan to the board for its review and approval. In the event that the board refuses to approve the plan on the basis that the district is no longer in substantial compliance with this section, the surplus school buildings or land, or both, utilized under the joint venture shall no longer be exempt from the rental requirements of Section 17032.


Pursuant to a school district asset utilization plan approved under this section, the school district may utilize school buildings or land, or both, in a joint venture, the revenues from which shall be placed by the district in a separate fund. The principal and interest from that separate fund may be expended by the district only for the following school facilities purposes, as authorized under the approved plan, in accordance with the pupil loading and cost standards established pursuant to this chapter: the acquisition of land, new construction, reconstruction, modernization, rehabilitation, and deferred maintenance.


For purposes of this section, a school district asset utilization plan shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, all of the following:


A specific description of the surplus school buildings or land, or both, to be utilized under the joint venture.


The identification of the current educational uses of the surplus school buildings or land, or both, and of the educational uses proposed under the joint venture.


The identification of the current noneducational uses of the surplus school buildings or land, or both, and of the noneducational uses proposed under the joint venture, and a specific assessment of the compatibility of those uses with any applicable general or specific governmental land use plans and with applicable zoning restrictions.


A description of the prospective economic benefits to be derived by the district from the joint venture.


A description of the prospective educational benefits to be derived by the district from the joint venture.


A comprehensive description of the joint venture, including, but not limited to, a description of the intended means of financing the joint venture.


A plan for the disposition of the revenues received by the district from the joint venture.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 17032.3’s source at ca​.gov