CA Educ Code Section 17029


The board shall authorize the applicant school district to act as its agent in the performance of acts specifically approved by the board and all acts required pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 17280) of Chapter 3 of Part 10.5. That authorization shall include, but is not limited to, the selection of schoolsites, the securing of appraisals, the contracting for architectural services, the advertisement for construction bids and the entering into of contracts therefor and the purchase of furniture and equipment.


If, pursuant to the authority granted under subdivision (a), a self-certifying district submits to the board two or more independent appraisals and certifies to the board that the appraisals were performed by appraisers licensed or certified in accordance with Part 3 (commencing with Section 11300) of Division 4 of the Business and Professions Code and were obtained in accordance with standards and procedures imposed by the board for that purpose, the district shall not be required to document its compliance with those standards and procedures except as specified in Section 17041.2. In addition, the board shall use any of those appraisals, including an appraisal that is not the highest bid appraisal, for the purposes of this section, except that the board may substitute, for the results of those appraisals, the results of one or more independent appraisals, which may include an appraisal performed by the Department of General Services, obtained by the board for that purpose.


If, pursuant to the authority granted under subdivision (a), any bid reported to the board by a self-certifying district as the lowest responsible bid for a construction contract does not exceed the cost limit established by the board for that purpose, and the district certifies to the board that the bid was obtained in accordance with standards and procedures imposed by the board for that purpose, the district shall not be required to document its compliance with those standards and procedures except as specified in Section 17041.2.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 17029’s source at ca​.gov