CA Educ Code Section 17014


The board shall require the school district to make all necessary repairs, renewals, and replacements to ensure that a project is at all times kept in good repair, working order, and condition. All costs incurred for this purpose shall be borne by the school district.


In order to ensure compliance with subdivision (a) and encourage applicants to maintain all buildings under their control, the board shall require the applicant to do all of the following prior to the approval of a project:


Establish a restricted account within the general fund of the school district for the exclusive purpose of providing moneys for regular maintenance and routine repair of school buildings, according the highest priority to funding for the purpose set forth in subdivision (a).


Agree to deposit into the account established pursuant to paragraph (1), in each fiscal year for the term of the lease agreements of all projects constructed under this chapter, a minimum amount equal to or greater than 2 percent of the general fund budget of the applicant district for that fiscal year. This paragraph is applicable only to the following districts:


High school districts with average daily attendance greater than 300.


Elementary school districts with average daily attendance greater than 900.


Unified school districts with average daily attendance greater than 1,200.


For each project funded after July 1, 1998, the board shall require the applicant school district governing board to certify, as part of the annual budget process of the school district and beginning in the fiscal year in which the project is funded by the state, that a plan has been prepared for completing major maintenance, repair, and replacement requirements for the project. For purposes of this subdivision, the term “major maintenance, repair, and replacement” means roofing, siding, painting, floor and window coverings, fixtures, cabinets, heating and cooling systems, landscaping, fences, and other items designated by the governing board of the school district. The board shall require the school district’s governing board to certify that the plan includes and is being implemented as follows:


Identification of the major maintenance, repair, and replacement needs for the project.


Specification of a schedule for completing the major maintenance, repair, and replacement needs.


Specification of a current cost estimate for the scheduled major maintenance, repair, and replacement needs.


Specification of the school district’s schedule for funding a reserve to pay for the scheduled major maintenance, repair, and replacement needs.


Review of the plan annually, as a part of the annual budget process of the school district, and update, as needed, the major maintenance, repair, and replacement needs, the estimates of expected costs, and any adjustments in funding the reserve.


Availability for public inspection of the original plan, and all updated versions of the plan, at the office of the superintendent of the school district during the working hours of the school district.


Provision in the annual budget of the school district of a provision that states the total funding available in reserve for scheduled major maintenance, repair and replacement needs as specified in the updated plan, and an explanation if this amount is less than that specified in the updated plan. The reserve shall be maintained in the restricted account established pursuant to subdivision (b).


For purposes of this section, “good repair” has the same meaning as specified in subdivision (d) of Section 17002.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 17014’s source at ca​.gov