CA Educ Code Section 17002

The following terms wherever used or referred to in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, respectively, unless a different meaning appears from the context:


“Apportionment” means a reservation of funds necessary to finance the cost of any project approved by the board for lease to an applicant school district.


“Board” means the State Allocation Board.


“Cost of project” includes, but is not limited to, the cost of all real estate property rights, and easements acquired, and the cost of developing the site and streets and utilities immediately adjacent thereto, the cost of construction, reconstruction, or modernization of buildings and the furnishing and equipping, including the purchase of educational technology hardware, of those buildings, the supporting wiring and cabling, and the technological modernization of existing buildings to support that hardware, the cost of plans, specifications, surveys, and estimates of costs, and other expenses that are necessary or incidental to the financing of the project. For purposes of this section, “educational technology hardware” includes, but is not limited to, computers, telephones, televisions, and video recording equipment.


(1)“Good repair” means the facility is maintained in a manner that assures that it is clean, safe, and functional as determined pursuant to a school facility inspection and evaluation instrument developed by the Office of Public School Construction and approved by the board or a local evaluation instrument that meets the same criteria. Until the school facility inspection and evaluation instrument is approved by the board, “good repair” means the facility is maintained in a manner that assures that it is clean, safe, and functional as determined by the interim evaluation instrument developed by the Office of Public School Construction or a local evaluation instrument that meets the same criteria as the interim evaluation instrument. The school facility inspection and evaluation instrument and local evaluation instruments that meet the minimum criteria of this subdivision shall not require capital enhancements beyond the standards to which the facility was designed and constructed. In order to provide that school facilities are reviewed to be clean, safe, and functional, the school facility inspection and evaluation instrument and local evaluation instruments shall include at least the following criteria:


Gas systems and pipes appear and smell safe, functional, and free of leaks.


Mechanical systems, including heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems, satisfy the following:


Are functional and unobstructed.


Appear to supply adequate amount of air to all classrooms, work spaces, and facilities. (iii)Maintain interior temperatures within normally acceptable ranges.


Doors and windows are intact, functional, and open, close, and lock as designed, unless there is a valid reason they should not function as designed.


Fences and gates are intact, functional, and free of holes and other conditions that could present a safety hazard to pupils, staff, or others. Locks and other security hardware function as designed.


Interior surfaces, including walls, floors, and ceilings, are free of safety hazards from tears, holes, missing floor and ceiling tiles, torn carpet, water damage, or other cause. Ceiling tiles are intact. Surfaces display no evidence of mold or mildew.


Hazardous and flammable materials are stored properly. No evidence of peeling, chipping, or cracking paint is apparent. No indicators of mold, mildew, or asbestos exposure are evident. There is no apparent evidence of hazardous materials that may pose a threat to the health and safety of pupils or staff.


Structures, including posts, beams, supports for portable classrooms and ramps, and other structural building members appear intact, secure, and functional as designed. Ceilings and floors are not sloping or sagging beyond their intended design. There is no visible evidence of severe cracks, dry rot, mold, or damage that undermines structural components.


Fire sprinklers, fire extinguishers, emergency alarm systems, and all emergency equipment and systems appear to be functioning properly. Fire alarm pull stations are clearly visible. Fire extinguishers are current and placed in all required areas, including every classroom and assembly area. Emergency exits are clearly marked and unobstructed.


Electrical systems, components, and equipment, including switches, junction boxes, panels, wiring, outlets, and light fixtures, are securely enclosed, properly covered and guarded from pupil access, and appear to be working properly.


Lighting appears to be adequate and working properly. Lights do not flicker, dim, or malfunction, and there is no unusual hum or noise from light fixtures. Exterior lights onsite appear to be working properly.


No visible or odorous indicators of pest or vermin infestation are evident.


Interior and exterior drinking fountains are functional, accessible, and free of leaks. Drinking fountain water pressure is adequate. Fountain water is clear and without unusual taste or odor, and moss, mold, or excessive staining is not evident.


Restrooms and restroom fixtures satisfy the following:


Are functional.


Appear to be maintained and stocked with supplies regularly. (iii)Appear to be accessible to pupils during the schoolday.


Appear to be in compliance with Section 35292.5.


The sanitary sewer system controls odor as designed, displays no signs of stoppage, backup, or flooding, in the facilities or on school grounds, and appears to be functioning properly.


Roofs, gutters, roof drains, and downspouts appear to be functioning properly and are free of visible damage and evidence of disrepair when observed from the ground inside and outside the building.


The school grounds do not exhibit signs of drainage problems, such as visible evidence of flooded areas, eroded soil, water damage to asphalt playgrounds or parking areas, or clogged storm drain inlets.


Playground equipment and exterior fixtures, seating, tables, and equipment are functional and free of significant cracks, trip hazards, holes, deterioration that affects functionality or safety, and other health and safety hazards.


School grounds, fields, walkways, and parking lot surfaces are free of significant cracks, trip hazards, holes, deterioration that affects functionality or safety, and other health and safety hazards.


Overall cleanliness of the school grounds, buildings, common areas, and individual rooms demonstrates that all areas appear to have been cleaned regularly and are free of accumulated refuse and unabated graffiti. Restrooms, drinking fountains, and food preparation or serving areas appear to have been cleaned each day that the school is in session.


(A)On or before January 1, 2007, the Office of Public School Construction shall develop the school facility inspection and evaluation instrument and instructions for users. The school facility inspection and evaluation instrument and local evaluation instruments that meet the minimum criteria of this subdivision shall include a system that will evaluate each facility, based on the criteria listed in paragraph (1), on a scale of “good,” “fair,” or “poor,” as developed by the Office of Public School Construction, and provide an overall summary of the conditions at each school on a scale of “exemplary,” “good,” “fair,” or “poor.”


On or before July 1, 2007, the Office of Public School Construction, in consultation with county offices of education, shall define objective criteria for determining the overall summary of the conditions of schools.


For purposes of this paragraph, “users” means local educational agencies that participate in either of the programs established pursuant to this chapter, Chapter 12.5 (commencing with Section 17070.10), or Section 17582.


“Lease” includes a lease with an option to purchase.


“Project” means the facility being constructed or acquired by the state for rental to the applicant school district and may include the reconstruction or modernization of existing buildings, construction of new buildings, the grading and development of sites, acquisition of sites therefor and any easements or rights-of-way pertinent thereto or necessary for its full use including the development of streets and utilities.


“Property” includes all property, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible, or any interest therein necessary or desirable for carrying out the purposes of this chapter.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 17002’s source at ca​.gov