CA Educ Code Section 16732

Whenever the Controller determines that any money apportioned to a school district has been expended by the school district for purposes not authorized by this chapter, or exceeds the final cost of the project which is authorized by this chapter to be paid therefrom, the Controller shall furnish written notice to the board, the governing board of the school district, the county superintendent of schools, the county auditor, and the county treasurer of the county whose county superintendent of schools has jurisdiction over the school district, directing the school district and the county treasurer to pay into the State Treasury the amount of the unauthorized expenditures, or the amount of the excess apportionment, as the case may be. Upon receipt of the notice, the governing board shall order the county treasurer to pay to the Treasurer, out of any moneys in the county treasury available to the school district for that purpose, the amount set forth in the notice. The amount shall, upon order of the Controller, be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the Urban School Construction Aid Fund, to be reapportioned by the board. It shall be the duty of the governing body and the county treasurer to make the payments to the Treasurer as provided in this section, and it shall be the duty of the Controller to enforce the collection on behalf of the state. If the district fails to make the payment specified within one year after written notice of the amount due, the Controller shall deduct the amount thereof with interest from date of the notice from the February payment made to the district under Section 14041 in the next succeeding fiscal year.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 16732’s source at ca​.gov