CA Educ Code Section 16330

The amount of the apportionment to a school district from the State School Building Aid Fund shall initially be computed by the board as follows:


Determining the ratio which the school district’s assessed valuation per pupil for the grade level of the project application bears to the statewide assessed valuation per pupil in that grade level, for the preceding fiscal year.


Subtracting the amount computed under (a) from four.


Dividing the amount computed under (b) by four plus the ratio which the school district’s assessed valuation per pupil for the grade level of the project application bears to the statewide assessed valuation per pupil for that grade level, for the preceding fiscal year, which computation shall be denoted the “basic computed state matching ratio of assistance.”


The computation prescribed by subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) may be diagrammed as follows, with “A.V.” representing the words “assessed valuation,” and “a.d.a.” representing the words “average daily attendance.” District A.V. per a.d.a. Basic computed 4 - Statewide A.V. per a.d.a. state matching = District A.V. per a.d.a. ratio of assistance 4 + Statewide A.V. per a.d.a.


The basic computed state matching ratio of assistance for a grade level of a school district shall not be less than 25 percent nor more than 80 percent of the cost of any specific project.


When the final eligible costs of a project have been determined pursuant to the audit prescribed in Sections 16340 and 16099, the amount of the basic computed state matching ratio of assistance to the district shall be adjusted accordingly.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 16330’s source at ca​.gov