CA Educ Code Section 16326

The amount of new building area for which an apportionment may be made for the purpose of replacing unsafe school buildings shall be computed in accordance with regulations adopted by the board. Such regulation shall be based upon the number of units of average daily attendance which were housed in the unsafe buildings being replaced and the building area limitations contained in Sections 16047, 16052, 16053, 16054 and 16055 together with any adjustments necessary to alleviate hardships occurring as a result of only partial replacement of an entire attendance center. In no event shall an apportionment be made for new building area the chargeable area of which exceeds the chargeable area of the unsafe buildings being replaced. The chargeable area of any school building shall be computed in the uniform manner prescribed by the board.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 16326’s source at ca​.gov