CA Educ Code Section 16314

The following terms, as used in this article, shall have the following meanings, unless the State Allocation Board finds a different meaning is essential for properly carrying out the purposes of this article, or finds that a different meaning clearly appears from the context:


“Board” means the State Allocation Board as defined in Article 1 (commencing with Section 16000) of this chapter.


“Director” means the Director of Education.


“District” means an elementary, high school, or unified school district.


“Project” means the purposes for which a district has applied for assistance in the rehabilitation or replacement of unsafe school facilities at a given attendance center.


“Apportionment” means an apportionment made under this article, and unless the context otherwise requires, it shall be deemed to include funds of a district required by the board to be contributed toward the cost of a project.


“Attendance center” means a school maintained or to be maintained at a given location within a district.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 16314’s source at ca​.gov