CA Educ Code Section 16202

With the approval of the county superintendent of schools, a school district may make application for an allocation under this article. Facilities for which an apportionment is made under this section shall be made available for use by the county superintendent of schools until he or she ceases to conduct the classes therein or until the superintendent of schools of a county other than the county whose superintendent of schools approved the application made under this section acquires jurisdiction over the location of the facility, whichever first occurs. Not more than 50 percent of the amount of any apportionment made pursuant to this section shall be repaid. Repayments shall be made in the following manner: Ten percent of the amount of the apportionment shall be subject to repayment by the district to the extent, and in the manner prescribed in Article 1 (commencing with Section 16000) of this chapter for apportionments other than those made pursuant to Section 16039. Forty percent of the amount of the apportionment shall be repaid in full with interest by the district, in the annual amounts and over the period as the board may determine, not to exceed 20 years from the date the apportionment became final. The county board of supervisors of the county whose superintendent of schools conducts classes in the facility during any fiscal year shall at the time or times within the fiscal year as may be agreed upon between the county and the school district, but in any case not later than the end of the fiscal year, pay to the school district having the obligation to repay the apportionment made under this section for the construction of the facility, an amount equal to the amount the district is required to repay in that fiscal year with respect to the 40 percent of the amount of the apportionment described above. The county board of supervisors may raise the amount required through a general tax levy or through a tuition charge not to exceed one hundred sixty dollars ($160) a year per pupil by the county superintendent of schools to the school districts of residence of pupils attending the facility other than the district having the obligation to repay or through a combination of these. Upon application of a school district and written approval of the county superintendent of schools the board may amend any apportionment previously received by a district for exceptional children by providing that the same shall be deemed to have been made with reference to this section, in which event all the incidents of this section shall be deemed applicable thereto, except that only the unpaid balance of the apportionment at the time of the amendment of the apportionment with interest accrued to that date shall be repaid as prescribed in this section. The county superintendent of schools shall notify the county board of supervisors of his or her intention to approve a school district’s application for an allocation under this article before he approves the application.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 16202’s source at ca​.gov