CA Educ Code Section 16054

There shall be allowed to each district a maximum area for the attendance units of the district in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, determined by computing, for the attendance units in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, at each attendance center of the district, a number of square feet for the number of attendance units in such grades at each attendance center, in accordance with the following table, and totaling the number of square feet so determined for all attendance units in such grades of all attendance centers of the district: Attendance units of attendance center Maximum number of square feet of building area 1-5018,000 51-10018,000 plus 162 for each attendance unit over 50 101-20026,100 plus 99 for each attendance unit over 100 201-30036,000 plus 60 for each attendance unit over 200 301-60042,000 plus 54 for each attendance unit over 300 601-1,80058,200 plus 80 for each attendance unit over 600 Over 1,800154,200 plus 85 for each attendance unit over 1,800
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 16054’s source at ca​.gov