A public benefit corporation may merge with any domestic corporation, foreign corporation (Section 171), or other business entity (Section 5063.5). However, without the prior written consent of the Attorney General, a public benefit corporation may only merge with another public benefit corporation or a religious corporation or a foreign nonprofit corporation or an unincorporated association the governing documents of which provide that its assets are irrevocably dedicated to charitable, religious, or public purposes. In addition, a public benefit corporation that is exempt from the supervisory authority of the Attorney General pursuant to Sections 12581 and 12583 of the Government Code by virtue of being a committee, as defined in Section 82013 of the Government Code, that is required to and does file any statement pursuant to the provisions of Article 2 (commencing with Section 84200) of Chapter 4 of Title 9 of the Government Code, may merge with another public benefit corporation similarly exempt without having to obtain the Attorney General’s consent.
At least 20 days prior to consummation of any merger allowed by subdivision (a), the Attorney General must be provided with a copy of the proposed
agreement of merger.
Without the prior written consent of the Attorney General, when a merger occurs pursuant to subdivision (a), each member of a constituent corporation may only receive or keep a membership in the surviving corporation for or as a result of the member’s membership in the constituent corporation.