CA Corp Code Section 10701

Every public agency owning or operating any port or marine terminal and every public agency organized for such purposes may associate itself with other public agencies, private corporations or individuals owning or operating, or organized for the purpose of owning or operating, ports or marine terminals located on the same harbor, bay, or other waterway or on communicating or related waterways, of this state and with other public agencies and with private corporations and individuals, or any of them, in the formation under the Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law, Part 3 (commencing with Section 7110) of this division, and may become and remain a member of a nonprofit corporation organized under the Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law for the purpose of, or the principal powers and purposes of which include carrying on a program of nonregulatory activities in the common interests of its members, including but not limited to any or all of the following activities: studies and research into traffic conditions, cargo volume, rate structures, cost factors, commercial transportation practices, and similar fields; the acquisition and dissemination of information relative to the said and similar subjects; the representation of the common interests of its members before federal, state, and local legislative and administrative authorities; and service as a facility for the cooperation of its members and the coordination of their activities toward the maintenance and improvement of the commercial welfare and competitive position of the ports and terminals owned or operated by its members, the maintenance of equitable and nondiscriminatory rate structures, and the elimination of inequitable, unfair, or discriminatory trade practices adversely affecting the interests of its members; and the undertaking or coordination of any other program of related activities or in related fields for the mutual benefit of its members as may be desired by the membership. Every such public agency may pay the dues and assessments required of its members by such nonprofit mutual benefit corporation out of any funds available to it for that purpose or for its support; may make contracts; may enter into agreements; may appoint an individual as its representative to such nonprofit mutual benefit corporation to exercise the voting power of such public agency and to act in its behalf with respect to such nonprofit mutual benefit corporation; and may do or perform all acts necessary and proper to carry out the purposes of this part; but no public agency shall become or remain a member of any such nonprofit mutual benefit corporation unless the articles of incorporation or the bylaws of the nonprofit mutual benefit corporation include at all times a provision limiting the liability of members to assessments to a specified or ascertainable amount.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 10701’s source at