CA Corp Code Section 100000

The following acts and sections are repealed: GENERAL LAWS Year:Ch:Page Year:Ch:Page Year:Ch:Page Secs. 1-32, incl. and 1858:298:264 1865-6:478:620 175-184, incl. of 1859:98:93 1867-8:208:201 1850:128:347 1862:23:17 1867-8:255:268 1852:100:172 1863:94:101 1867-8:288:310 1853:65:87 1863:140:173 1867-8:326:372 1853:175:274 1863:248:324 1867-8:534:708 1854:22:148 (Spec.) 1863:303:402 1869-70:35:40 1855:1:1 1863-4:120:109 1869-70:116:107 1857:80:75 1863-4:294:302 1869-70:165:229 1857:110:121 1863-4:295:303 1869-70:553:822 1857:189:208 1865-6:54:37 1869-70:578:881 1858:68:57 1865-6:118:100 1871-2:44:45 1858:99:80 1865-6:270:304 1871-2:225:300 1858:181:133 1865-6:376:458 1871-2:318:432 Corporations formed and existing before 12 o’clock, noon, of January 1, 1873, which have not elected to continue their existence under the provisions of the Civil Code repealed by this code or under this code are not affected by the repeal of any act or section by this section. The acts and sections repealed by this section continue to apply to all such corporations, notwithstanding their repeal by this section.
Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 100000’s source at