CA Bus & Prof Code Section 3527


The board may order the denial of an application for, or the issuance subject to terms and conditions of, or the suspension or revocation of, or the imposition of probationary conditions upon a physician assistant license after a hearing as required in Section 3528 for unprofessional conduct that includes, but is not limited to, a violation of this chapter, a violation of the Medical Practice Act, or a violation of the regulations adopted by the board or the Medical Board of California.


The board may order the denial of an application for, or the suspension or revocation of, or the imposition of probationary conditions upon, an approved program after a hearing as required in Section 3528 for a violation of this chapter or the regulations adopted pursuant thereto.


The Medical Board of California may order the denial of an application for, or the issuance subject to terms and conditions of, or the suspension or revocation of, or the imposition of probationary conditions upon, an approval to supervise a physician assistant, after a hearing as required in Section 3528, for unprofessional conduct, which includes, but is not limited to, a violation of this chapter, a violation of the Medical Practice Act, or a violation of the regulations adopted by the board or the Medical Board of California.


Notwithstanding subdivision (c), the Division of Medical Quality of the Medical Board of California, in conjunction with an action it has commenced against a physician and surgeon, may, in its own discretion and without the concurrence of the Medical Board of California, order the suspension or revocation of, or the imposition of probationary conditions upon, an approval to supervise a physician assistant, after a hearing as required in Section 3528, for unprofessional conduct, which includes, but is not limited to, a violation of this chapter, a violation of the Medical Practice Act, or a violation of the regulations adopted by the board or the Medical Board of California.


The board may order the denial of an application for, or the suspension or revocation of, or the imposition of probationary conditions upon, a physician assistant license, after a hearing as required in Section 3528 for unprofessional conduct that includes, except for good cause, the knowing failure of a licensee to protect patients by failing to follow infection control guidelines of the board, thereby risking transmission of bloodborne infectious diseases from licensee to patient, from patient to patient, and from patient to licensee. In administering this subdivision, the board shall consider referencing the standards, regulations, and guidelines of the State Department of Public Health developed pursuant to Section 1250.11 of the Health and Safety Code and the standards, regulations, and guidelines pursuant to the California Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973 (Part 1 (commencing with Section 6300) of Division 5 of the Labor Code) for preventing the transmission of HIV, hepatitis B, and other bloodborne pathogens in health care settings. As necessary, the board shall consult with the Medical Board of California, the Board of Podiatric Medicine, the Board of Dental Examiners, the Board of Registered Nursing, and the Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians, to encourage appropriate consistency in the implementation of this subdivision. The board shall seek to ensure that licensees are informed of the responsibility of licensees and others to follow infection control guidelines, and of the most recent scientifically recognized safeguards for minimizing the risk of transmission of blood-borne infectious diseases.


The board may order the licensee to pay the costs of monitoring the probationary conditions imposed on the license.


The expiration, cancellation, forfeiture, or suspension of a physician assistant license by operation of law or by order or decision of the board or a court of law, the placement of a license on a retired status, or the voluntary surrender of a license by a licensee shall not deprive the board of jurisdiction to commence or proceed with any investigation of, or action or disciplinary proceeding against, the licensee or to render a decision suspending or revoking the license.

Source: Section 3527, .

Last Updated

Aug. 19, 2023

§ 3527’s source at